Founded in 2015 in Torre del Greco (Naples), Ianua Australis is a non-partisan, non-denominational and non-profit organization belonging to the Third sector which persecutes civil, solidaristic and socially useful purposes.

In a logic of strengthening the synergies between learning processes (formal and non-formal) and active participation dynamics towards society, the mission of Ianua Australis is to provide tangible improvements in local communities in which it operates, offering easily accessible opportunities of social inclusion, solidarity and education. A mission that arises from the way of intending the passion and the dedication for the common good whose aim is to give back centrality and dignity to people, encouraging the (re)building of authentic and meaningful relationships, (re)starting primarily from young people and from those who live in conditions of social exclusion and marginalization.

Always committed to comprehend and intercept the real needs of territories, thanks to the style of its governance and to the qualities of the implemented activities, Ianua Australis has become through years a reliable point of reference in the fields of socio-educational entertainment and volunteering, as well as in the ongoing process of European inclusion.